Taking a look back, 2 and a half years...

by - April 04, 2013

Summer and I are becoming closer and closer everyday I feel. I love how much of a "big girl" she is but still my "baby" at the same time.

It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital holding her yet at the same time that seems like forever ago.

My favorite stage with "kids" is newborn, 0-6 weeks (even though I don't get any sleep)
and now, 2 & a half.

Don't get me wrong, every stage is fun, seriously! But if I am completely honest. those would be my top choice (so far!). I love how when they are those precious little newborns they just need their "mommy" so much (& dads!). (but dads/men always seem to like when the babies can actually "interact" with them, if you will) but as a mom I love this "newborn stage" as it only lasts what seems like hours. I feel like as moms we have such an early on love for them while they are in our tummies. We know when they are awake & when they are asleep. We know what foods gets them kicking & what position they are in while in our belly. They already know how to get their way in what they want us to eat, when they want us to eat and how much they want us to eat. They know how to keep us awake at night when all we want to do is sleep. Its like we know this baby who is not even here yet physically on earth. Its the best feeling and when they are actually here its just like "FINALLY! finally I can hold you in my arms and stop getting jabs in my ribs every day & night ;)"
this is me at 36 weeks, I went to 38 weeks so I got even bigger! yikes

 37 weeks!

38 weeks! shew, finally, I was about to pop.

Now my little Summer is TWO, almost three. Its crazy how much life changes when you have kids and how much you change. Its like nothing matters but them. Your only truly happy when you know your kid is truly happy.
Age 2 and a half is the BEST ! Terrible twos? what are you talking about?
(Just kidding, Trust me, I have had my moments!)
It is just such a fun age where we can finally after two years actually have a conversation with them. Where they think you are just the best thing to ever happen and the coolest person around, they want to be just like YOU.
Summer knows what she wants and doesn't want.
She is eager to make new friends and tell me all about it!
She is so curious and innocent and find the best in everyone and everything.
Can't kids stay like this forever?
I love just watching her when she learns new things, figures something out, makes new friends, plays with the friends she already has.
Nothing better.

I love being a mom, I know its what I was meant to do, Be a wife and a mommy, I knew that since I was 12. I always wanted to #1 get married & #2 have kids.
When the kids came I knew I would want to stay home with them everyday and be a stay-at-home mom.
I don't think I could have it any other way.

I love my life

Here are a few pictures of Summer and I today. We decided to go out and enjoy this lovely weather, play with chalk and run around.
I grabbed my camera while we were just sitting there coloring with chalk and it became the perfect little photo-shoot!

 When Adam got home he snapped a few for us!

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