I think Summer is definitely at the propper age to set some "daily" do's!
I found this cute chore chart on pinterest and I loved it. I took out 1 thing and then changed the rest to my liking. you can find the original version here.
We will be starting this on monday, cant wait!
Then I also loved this little "bedtime" routine. I also changed a couple things on this for our style. but you can find the original here
I added the "my Fathers angels all protect me" to the bottom of the page because it is a dear song Summer learned in preschool last year from her teacher & we sing this daily.
It is called
"The Angel song"
They're all above me, above me
Beneath me, beneath me
Before me, before me
They're all around me, around me
My Fathers andels all protect me
They ended each school day singing this song.