my life just a bit more organized

by - October 19, 2014

Some real helpful organizing tips for those of you who have younger children in the house who are always wanting a snack 24/7. 

I put these snack containers together for the pantry and fridge. 
They are both at a reachable height for Summer to get something out of it herself. 
(If you don't want your kiddos to grab snacks themselves you can always put these out of reach but still have easy to go snacks ready!)
In these containers are healthy snacks, ready to go & portioned out to however many Summer can have.

pea pods
string cheese
and orange

(everyday snacks)
 granola bars
fruit bars
gold fish
crackers w/ peanut butter
animal crackers

I also keep frozen grapes on hand in the freezer. These are great to grab when heading out the door and are so delicious and healthy. 

this takes me forever to do but in the long run it is so worth it!
First, take them all off those annoying little branches. 
Next, WASH YOUR GRAPES! They are so dirty and get handled so much. I wash mine with veggie & fruit spray, but I have also used just a "drip" of normal dish soap before too... it's better than just water.
Then, for Summer's baggies, I cut all the grapes in half. A slow, but important step to me. I would be panicky every time she was eating grapes if i did not do this, it is way too easy for them to choke on those things.

btw, fred is my husband, Adam. it is a nickname I gave him years ago when he played "Fred" in scrooge. so let's not get any rumors started ;)


I like to have Summer's paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, stickers, glue, stencils, coloring books and the list goes on, organized in their own rightful place.
Thank Jesus for my labeler. LOVE IT.

I like to consider myself a pretty organized person. Definitely when I became a mom... or maybe I should say, especially when I had my second child, I had a very huge need to get my life organized. My first priority for the "file cabinet" is Summers precious art work. because to me, it's priceless. Now, if you do not have children, I do not expect you to understand. & yes, even though some of it looks a bit odd and questionable, it doesn't make it any less important when I know that Summer put it together and thought a great deal about what exactly it is she is drawing. 

like this for instance. 

You see a messy, out of control circle / lines / spikes / messy marker blob, right? Well I will have you know that this happens to be one of Summer's "roller coasters", the bigger and messier the circle is, the bigger and scarier the roller coster is. I know this because she makes these pictures every time we color together and makes sure to tell me "This is a very big scary roller coaster mommy!" or..."this is just a baby roller coaster, its not scary, so you would like it mommy!" She puts thought into what she is drawing, knows exactly what it is, and cares that you know what it is as well. So yes, these are saved in the file cabinet. Cause all too soon she won't be making these cute pictures anymore and will be moving onto new pictures & growing up far too fast for me.


These are Summer's preschool worksheets she comes home with. They each take the turn of hanging proudly in a special spot in the kitchen, then they go into the file cabinet. These are the things that also make me so proud, because being her mommy, I know exactly just how very hard she works at this.

One day after "Kids time" Summer came home with these 2 sheets. Seriously made me laugh out loud because I know her teacher must have asked her each question and Summer answered all these by herself. Too cute, considering most of them are wrong. 


Just to clarify. 
favorite food- 
steak or italian (spaghetti) 
favorite color - 
I think blue is pretty safe to say :). good job Summer! 
favorite movie -  
hahaha I love her answer. I think I would say..Desperate Housewives. I know this isn't a movie. I do not care.  I also do not care Summer got this wrong ;). 
(I only watch this show when children are asleep, I repeat, I only watch this show when children are asleep.) 
as you can tell, I literally watch children movies and shows all day long, or as long as little ears and eyes are still awake, it's all G in this household.
Favorite person- 
ding ding ding! & London & daddy ;)
Favorite place-
 I wish I got to go to the movies more... but lets be honest, movie theaters don't happen much these days ..Lets go with Disney World.


favorite food-
favorite color-
blue (apparently, this family likes blue) 
favorite movie
haha!! gotta love what Summer's answer was! The Godfather.
favorite person-
mommy (Tarah)
favorite place-
the lake

well I only posted those because, well, let's be honest, those are much too cute to keep to myself ;)
Yes, these are safely in my file cabinet ;)

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