A lot has happened these last few months, therefor blogging got put on the back burner as it does oh so often.
A lot has happened these last few months, therefor blogging got put on the back burner as it does oh so often.
I have a million different things to blog about, pictures to share & things to write.
But, all that is going to have to wait, because in the midst of this "busyness" my life forever changed. I lost my grandpa.
All my grandparents are still alive, so its not something I've ever had to deal with until now.
Death in general isn't something I've had to deal with to often in my life. Not like this.
But, all that is going to have to wait, because in the midst of this "busyness" my life forever changed. I lost my grandpa.
All my grandparents are still alive, so its not something I've ever had to deal with until now.
Death in general isn't something I've had to deal with to often in my life. Not like this.
I want to start this blog post by paying a tribute to my grandpa.
He went home to be with Jesus on September 17th at 2:30 in the morning.
I still sometimes can't believe he is gone, Ill catch myself saying "yea, Grandma & Grandpa" & then get a little pull at my heart realizing my new reality. Its just Grandma now.
I could go on and on about my grandpa, the man he was, the life he lived, the integrity he had, how sweet he was, kind hearted, sensitive, loyal..... I miss him, I will always miss him.
But, I am SO THANKFUL I know exactly where he is right now, hangin with Jesus. how cool.
I could go on and on about my grandpa, the man he was, the life he lived, the integrity he had, how sweet he was, kind hearted, sensitive, loyal..... I miss him, I will always miss him.
But, I am SO THANKFUL I know exactly where he is right now, hangin with Jesus. how cool.
In the weeks leading up to his passing, I wrote a few different things via Facebook, so I'm just going to copy & paste some of those raw moments that I wrote about & put them on here.
before I do that, here is a little back story, the month, leading up to his final days...
My Grandpa was a healthy man.
He was 82 years old, being of that age of course he had his up's and downs as far as "health" goes. But overall he was healthy.
He even overcame cancer.
He was 82 years old, being of that age of course he had his up's and downs as far as "health" goes. But overall he was healthy.
He even overcame cancer.
We were just at His & my Grandmas 60th Wedding Anniversary in August.
-little did I know this would be my last time hugging him & talking with him while he was still healthy-
1 week later (crazy) Grandpa went into the hospital with some stomach pain.
He stayed overnight, they ran test, & untimely sent him home the next day.
He stayed overnight, they ran test, & untimely sent him home the next day.
The day after that he was rushed back into the hospital with severe stomach pain.
He had a few different issues going on with his stomach including a bad infection.
The dr. was going back & forth on whether or not to do surgery & they ultimately decided he needed Gull Blader surgery.
Not ideal for a person of his age, but that was the only option.
He stayed at the hospital the next week recovering & getting better.
We were all so relieved!
He had a few different issues going on with his stomach including a bad infection.
The dr. was going back & forth on whether or not to do surgery & they ultimately decided he needed Gull Blader surgery.
Not ideal for a person of his age, but that was the only option.
He stayed at the hospital the next week recovering & getting better.
We were all so relieved!
Days go by & they then determined he was good to move to a "rehab" center & would continue to get better & ultimately go home within a week or so.
Best news ever. This already seemed like way too long of an ordeal.
Best news ever. This already seemed like way too long of an ordeal.
Well, That night after he checked into the rehab center he spiked a 103 temp along with lots of stomach pain.
Rehad called for an Ambulance & moved grandpa back to the hospital.
He would see a specialist later in the week.
The whole process seemed to take forever.
It was hard to watch. And hard not to know what the future held.
Rehad called for an Ambulance & moved grandpa back to the hospital.
He would see a specialist later in the week.
The whole process seemed to take forever.
It was hard to watch. And hard not to know what the future held.
His body was not healing the way we would hope.
Grandpa got weaker & weaker everyday.
This was the hardest most painful thing my heart has ever had to watch & deal with.
I hated knowing my grandpa was not healthy & there was nothing I could do.
Grandpa got weaker & weaker everyday.
This was the hardest most painful thing my heart has ever had to watch & deal with.
I hated knowing my grandpa was not healthy & there was nothing I could do.
September 9th 2017
"This has been the hardest most emotion week of my life. To be honest, Ive cried every night for the last week, & today has been the worst / hardest. Cant wait to see my grandpa tomorrow & give him all the hugs & kisses I can"
September 10th
My parents, Adam, me & the girls went up to Mercy hospital to see my grandpa. I was so scared, nervous & anxious all at the same time. That was a hard visit.
September 12
September 13
My Grandpa was officially moved to Hospice Care. It is a BEAUTIFUL facility. The people are wonderful, so sweet, so genuine, & the place gives such a wonderful, "home like" feel. The rooms are spacious & comfortable.. So thankful Grandpa gets to spend his last and final days here on earth in a beautiful place in peace rather then in a stuffy hospital room. It even had a nice patio, so the grand kiddos were able to run around outside & play when we would come often on his final days.
September 14
Emotional Day.
After we got home, my dad handed me the sweatshirt that my grandma gave him to give to me. it was my grandpas. I wore it all weekend. This is super special to me. I dont ever want to wash it.
September 15th.
"xoxo I love you so much grandpa. Adam, & the girls & I went & tucked grandpa in for the night with my dad. Very hard, but very special moments spent".
We all knew grandpa was getting closer & closer to seeing Jesus & he would be in heaven any day now....I went up the next 3 days until he passed.
He had changed so drastically from what he was like just yesterday.
He was no longer able to swallow, his face was much more thin.
He wasn't really waking up anymore either.
Thas night, was again, so hard...
After my dad took the girls down the hall to play in the kids play room.

I sat there with Adam in the quiet still room.

I sat there with Adam in the quiet still room.
I held my grandpas hand... I sat there in my grandpas sweatshirt & stared at his sweet still face & watched him breath. I squeezed his hand & I felt the faintest squeeze back. Not sure if it was a direct response or not, but I like to think it was.
He had lived a great life. He was a great man.
He had lived a great life. He was a great man.
I am honored I am his granddaughter.
September 16
Went up this afternoon to visit grandpa. My dad was there, (as he is everyday).
Tyler, Jessica & their kids came, saw my grandma for a bit, along with my aunt & uncle.
Grandpa was so close, he wouldn't wake up at all anymore.
His breathing was very heavy, deep & slow.
His breathing was very heavy, deep & slow.
Grandpas room had a patio attached to it. so we took the kids outside to run around & toss a frisbee around for a bit so we could stay longer. I know that would have made grandpa smile. seeing all his grandkids & GREAT grandkids hanging out by his side, playing on the lawn outside his room. Children are a great distraction.
They bring smiles in the hard times.
They bring smiles in the hard times.
September 21
"Todays the day. today we remember my grandpa, gather with friends & family & celebrate the amazing life he had. He was a great man, he had a heart of gold & had the sweetest spirit. I'm proud to call him my grandpa. Miss you Grandpa, love you so much, see you later."
My dad was the best caregiver my grandpa could of ever ask for when he needed it most. My dad told my grandpa on his final days on earth, "don't worry about mom (grandma) she will be taken care of". Yep, she is indeed. My dads been over to my grandmas house multiple times this week. Bringing her food, ran the errands she needed done, picked up her prescriptions, took out the trash, put salt in her water softener, got her lunch, had her take a nap, moped her floors, spent time talking with her, answered her phone, got her dinner & moved from taking care of my grandpa right into taking care of my grandma. Today he didn't leave her side. He told her to sit when she was getting weak, had his arm around her helping her walk & be strong on one of the hardest days of her (their) life. During the service my dads arm was around my grandma thee entire time & never left her frail body, all day long. Here he is walking her into the sanctuary of the church, before the people arrived, to read her all the notes that were attached to the many, many, flowers that people sent for this day. My grandpa & grandma have so many people that love them. Im proud to be a Braucht, & I'm so proud to call this man my dad. Joe Braucht. #prouddaughter #grandpa#heavenbound
The video showed at my Grandpas service.
Here is a video I love.
My grandpa is so funny with his responses & doesn't seem a bit to realize it.
He is so cute, Im glad my dad captured these moments.
Grandpa, I know your having a great time in Heaven & your getting it all ready for us.
We miss you, & always will.
But I am thankful for the peace that washes over us knowing exactly where you are.
You're in the best place ever, being cared for by the best father ever, who created you & loves you over the moon and back.
I get a big smile knowing he is treating you like the child you are to him.
The "adult" child who he is spoiling. Exactly the way it should be!
We will see ya later, xoxo!
Married to the love of his life for 60 years & together even longer.
He lived a life full of integrity & raised 2 outstanding kids.
One of them being my Daddy, & he is the greatest man I've ever known.
My Grandpa & Grandma obviously did a great job raising their children.
He had a heart of gold, like I've said many time & I truly mean that.
He loved my Grandma with every bone in his body.
He loved his family.
Those two things were the most important things to him.
now just for some cute pictures.
Look at the golly ol grin. he was happy to see me getting married
Great Grandpa & London Joy up at Camp Lebanon.
At our house, June 2017. I made lasagna. It was grandpas favorite.