My little Summer is 5 years old, FIVE. I may or may not have had to hold back a few tears coming to gripes with this milestone.
Being a mom, honestly and truly is like having your children run around with YOUR heart.
If you are not yet a parent, you wont get it, you cant.
But it is just that and it is the scariest & best thing loving something so much. I thank God every day for giving me my 2 girls. I cant even imagine doing anything else but being their mommy, the best mom I can be, as hands on as I can, and being their for there every second of their every day life. This is my job, my calling & my choice.
I strive to do my very very best at it.
One thing I think we should all remember when raising our children is that we are raising little hearts. & That is not something to take lightly.
If I fail at everything but succeed in being an amazing mom then I have done my job.
(& a wife of course! cause thats a huge part as well)
My first born, Summer Victoria Fudge.
Mommy- "What do you want to be when you grow up?
Summer- "A doctor, a dentist, a mommy, a worship leader, & a pastor"
I am not the mom to laugh and say "haha! you cant be all those things silly."
I say "Thats amazing and I think those are all great!! You can be anything you want to be and you would be great at every one of those things!".
- Don't ever make your child feel like they are dreaming to big or to high.
Don't ever put any doubt in the heart.
Throw the books away. Parenting is not a philosophy. Being a good mother does not mean getting your baby to sleep through the night at 3 months. It does not mean enlisting the help of a nanny or expert. Your instincts are the best guide to follow, not a manual. Being a mother means trudging through the muck. It means improvising. It means finding the best fit for you and your child. It means allowing others to judge your choices without doubting yourself. It means doing your best and knowing it.
Summer- One day when you are big enough you are going to read this. I want to to know that you are an amazing little girl who is already wise beyond her years. You have so much compassion for animals (you get this from your momma ;)) for children, and you always want to bring a smile to peoples face. You care about other peoples feelings, not just your own. You are energetic it, always up for an adventure. You love to wrestle with daddy and talk about super hero's and ninja turtles, but you adore princesses and all things girly. You are very gentle and sweet spirited. You save flies from our house, you carefully and gently catch them and let them go free outside
(still not sure how you manage this, but you do!).
You are beyond forgiving with your little sister, London, who loves to push your buttons and sometimes just hits you out of the blue, you just stand there and softly and sweetly say "no hitting".
You love Jesus and can't wait to learn more and more about the bible. You love your family and try hard to constantly work on being a good listener to mommy and daddy. You are forgiving and you are a loyal friend. You are not afraid to meet new people and you are always open to new friends. Your a good listener and a good talker. you love to learn new things. You love family time and you know the importance of it. You are thankful and love to list everything that you are blessed to have. You believe the best always and look to the bright side of every situation. You are excited for the future and know nothing can stop you! You are a true worshiper and enjoy every minute of our worship time. You are a powerful prayer and love to teach your little sister about Jesus and praying and you set a great example.
You are amazing.
We love you so much and we are beyond proud of the big girl you are growing up to be. Keep loving Jesus and keep putting him first in everything you do. Keep reaching for your goals
Mommy, Daddy & London love you so much.
Keep being a shining star.