Saylors favorite things

by - January 05, 2021

 As promised, here is the baby post about my favorite things to use for Saylor. 

I haven't wrote in here for ever a year. how sad is that? I love writing, but life gets busy and apparently this got put on the back burner. So thank you for helping me get back into it with the many requests.

I am so flattered that so many of you ladies have reached out to me with questions, or just to simple say how much you love my stories and posts. I never realized how much of you watched me & "looked up to me". Its a great feeling, and I appreciate you guys saying it to me. One of you said I am the "funnest mom to follow & you love watching all my stories and posts", you made my year, seriously lol! thank you, lol! 

Ok, so without further ado-

Adam made fun of me for for these first 3 things (well I guess first 5 things, technically) because he was like "how many things do you need for a baby to sleep in?!" lol. but I literally use all of these on a daily basis in different rooms, for different reasons, etc.

  1. I got both the Doc-A-Tot & the Snuggle Me. They are similar but also different and I love them both for different reasons. The Doc-A-Tot is great for a growing baby. it is roomy, and bigger. it can also unlatch at the bottom so after they do get to tall for it.  
The snuggle me is GREAT for when they are super teeny tiny. I used this every single day when Saylor was so tiny. It literally does SNUGGLE them up all cozy. But she is almost 4 months old & is already to big for it, so I only used this for about 3 months. So that is the downside. Now I put her in the Doc-A-Tot.

If I had to choose one. It would be the Doc-A-Tot. 

2. I love this Moses Baket. I put the snuggle me in it when Saylor was so tiny, but it also comes with a fitted mat too which is just flat and soft for them to lay on. I think its so pretty and looks good just sitting out, which is a plus. Its easy to move around, I would bring it out on the patio for dinner, or in the backyard in the grass, while the older girls played and just around the house.

Here she is in the Moses Basket with the snuggle me.

here is the mat it comes with..

3. Ok. This next item is a HUGE splurge. So just know that before clicking the link and seeing the price tag, lol! On the plus, you can sell your used snoo when you are done for about $800 give or take.
We LOVE our snoo. Saylor has slept great in this since night one. She still loves it and I don't see us switching her into her crib until she is just to big for it this. 

I will say this.... If you don't want to splurge on a this bassinet I would STRONGLY recommend just getting these little sleep sacks. The swaddles they sell are AHHHHHHMAZING. It is what is used in the snoo. But you can also buy them without the "snoo attachment" that comes on the side of them.

Helps your baby sleep awesome, & might be all your baby needs to sleep like an angle. Yes seriously. 

4. This Little giraffe blanket is the best blanket you'll ever buy your baby, Period. Summer and London got one when they were babies and STILL sleep with them every night, take them on overnights, and carry it around the house to watch tv, lunch, etc, lol! They will be in your life forever. They are so soft.

Here is a little version of the bigger size. We love this for going places, or as you can see in this photo, while in her carseat. 

I bought this instead of buying both a bouncy seat and a swing. The motion basically does the motion of both in 1 product, and I didn't want the clutter of two separate big baby items. She has always loved this. It can sit almost straight up too, which is nice when they get a little older and want to look around.

7. Nanit baby monitor (splurge)
Love this monitor. The night visions great & It tells you so much via the app on your phone.
You can track when your baby fell asleep, how long it took them to fall asleep, when they wake up at night, fall back to sleep, how many hours a night your baby sleeps, how many times you interacted with them & lastly recorded a fast forward video of the whole night for you to watch the next day. kinda fun. 
You can buy the package that come with the breathing and heart monitoring system, which I did, but I have never used it because she's been in our room next to me so I haven't felt the need to. Its like the same concept as the "owlet sock".

8. UPPababy Stroller with bassinet 

LOVE this stroller & we use the bassinet way more then I thought we would. Saylor loves being able to sprawl out, or if she is asleep I can turn her in her side and she snuggles in and takes a nice nap. 
I love that she can be an infant but not be confined & stuck in her carseat for things like walks. 
Ive loved the bassinet option & have used it daily (weather permitting). 
It also does come with the toddler seat too. Which I just used for the first time a couple weeks ago & its great too! The sunshade goes almost all the way down for complete shade, can lay really far back, or sit up straight. Saylor loved it too ;-)

9. I bought a few different pacifiers, but they all fell out except this one. 
This one is a winner!
The bigger part at the end of the nipple helps it stay in the babies mouth without the pacifier constantly falling out. 

10. This looks gross I know. But you don't actually get anything in your mouth don't worry lol! When Saylor was super teeny, she had a really bad stuffy nose and could barely breath out of it. The nose sucker they give you at the hospital is to big for her tiny nostrils & does nothing in regards to a stuffy nose. 
Thank goodness we had this. It seriously works wonders. 

11.  This is surprisingly one of Sylors favorite things to look at. It looks pretty sitting out so I thought I would try it and I was pleasantly surprised when Saylor was obsessed with it.  She liked it better then the colorful one I bought her. Its nice because I can move it easly from room to room and sometimes put it in her crib with her when she's just awake and hanging out.

12. These bottles! I don't know if its the nipple, or the soft bottle itself, but these are so great! Saylor has the least "milk drip" the trickles down the side of their mouths with this bottle.

 It also doesn't cave in like most nipples do. We just love it. 
I originally bought "AVENT" bottles, because thats what I used for Summer & London.
But the nipples always caved in, she would get bubbles in her tummy, and they are the hard plastic....anyways, one day I bought these to try and wow. Best bottles ever. never really thought it mattered until I actually tried a couple different ones & saw & felt the difference. 
Both baby and mom approved :)

13. Baby Products I love using are HONEST COMPANY. The price doesn't break the bank and the ingredients are clean, which is my top priority when smothering a bunch of stuff on my kids skin that soaks in. Bath, shampoo, lotion, diaper rash cream, etc. I have used it all and it is high quality stuff that works! 

14. If your looking for a sound machine to block out noise and help your baby sleep than this is the one for you. It is not like typical noise machines that sound like the crap. "white noise" sound.  I hate that fake sound. This one actually has a mini fan in it, it sounds like a REAL fan and can get super loud. I brought it to the hospital with me when I gave birth to sleep better and its incredible. 

She is little older now, 4 months, so ill post a couple quick toys / things we use daily...

15. Saylor just started using this, She LOVES it. It holds her in super well, where as others are super baggy and you need to stuff a blanket in it too even keep them secure. 
Love this one.

16.  This activity center.... We still need to put a blanket around her when she is in this because she is still tiny and not able to fully support herself, but boy does she love this.. 

17.  Gripe water! This stuff is great, you can give it to them as early as 2 weeks old. We gave it to Saylor when she was fussy & we could tell her tummy was upset. surprisingly this always helped within about 10 minutes.

18. Baby Probiotic. I just started giving these to Saylor about 6 weeks ago. I just put the drops in her bottle.

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