date night for the littlest one
Our week was busy, as we are leaving for Az this week. But we were trying to fit in a date night for London. the other night at Dinner L looks at Adam & says "I want a date! I want to go get a Belle doll just like sissy, how bout now?!" So, why not?! I quickly helped L get dressed, Adam distracted her while I bundled up some flowers we already had, I wrapped them with pink ribbon all around the bottom so it was a cute little flower bouquet. Then as I was getting Londons coat & shoes on Adam went to the front door & knocked. Londons face was pure joy when she saw that daddy was standing there with flowers all for her. Having girls is the absolute best! ❤️
BTW- She went with the intension on getting a Belle doll like Summer got on her date, But decided on a cute pair of princess shoes instead. haha