Well baby girl #2 is going to be here before we know it! Cant believe I only have 11 weeks to go, crazy. February 16th is the actual Due date, but I am hoping to go a couple weeks early like I did with Summer *fingers crossed*.
Summer loves talking about her baby sister and about all the things she is going to help with. She even said
"I can sleep on baby's floor so that she wont be scared of the alligators"
so sweet considering Summer is very scared of alligators in the middle of the night for some reason ;)
I cant wait to see Summer take on the "big sister role" she is going to be the best big sister ever.
Summer also loves telling people her little sisters name. Which we are finally ready to announce,
Drum roll please... London Joy
Summer & London, they just sound so cute and perfect together. They will be the bestest friends.
Here are some must haves for little miss London.
note: the necklace is my (hopefully) "Push Gift" I want the initials A, S, & L.
(for all you ladies out there who didn't know about "push gifts" your welcome ;)!
I didn't know about them either when I had Summer!
1. Teething Toy
2. Love, love, love this necklace! I have wanted this for a LONG time!
3. Little giraffe lux blanket. Summer has one & it is her favorite thing in the entire world. So london needs one too!
4. Would love this blanket with "London" written on it.
5. Need this
6. Of course need to have the headbands7. The bedding I got for London, all white, I just love it.